Membership Information
CALNA offers its members the opportunity to communicate with peers within related industries. It also offers its members a chance to address mutual problems and concerns and serves as a vehicle to help solve them. Membership includes working as a team to better the green industry in Central Michigan through small workshops, general membership meetings, and educational seminars.
CALNA also serves to increase public awareness of the industries by its community involvement and educational commitment. CALNA not only offers its members means of problem solving and education, but also serves as an excellent opportunity to meet new people and make new acquaintances through its dinner meetings, golf outings, holiday parties, general membership meetings, and educational seminars. Your membership involvement is essential to CALNA as well as to the growth of your company!
Since CALNA was organized in the fall of 1980, many companies have found that discussions between competitors and suppliers can be very beneficial. This line of communication enables everyone to utilize each other's strengths to better build the foundation of their company. There is no other local organization where you can get education backing and input that CALNA has to offer its members.
As a member of this association you can attend seminars on a large variety of topics affecting our industry and how we do business. The seminars, combined with our quarterly newsletters and annual Membership Directory, position CALNA as your leading information resource. Enhance the professionalism of your business while creating public awareness of the green industry. Start saving money and gaining benefits by becoming a CALNA member. Annual membership dues are $125 and benefits include:
Peer networking opportunities
Cost-saving Discount programs
Educational programs
Informative CALNA website
Quarterly Bulletin
Participation in Local Nursery & Landscape Events
Get involved today - Contact Us! Or, download the Membership Application. Complete the application and Mail, FAX or Email to Becky Cybart at: 2149 Commons Parkway, Okemos MI 48864, PH: 517-381-0437, FAX: 517-381-0638, Email: